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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose and maintain your personal information when you visit our website or use our services.


What personal information do we collect?


We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us, for example when you fill out a form, subscribe to our newsletter, contact us or carry out a transaction on our site. This information may include your name, email address, telephone number, mailing address, preferences or any other information you choose to provide to us.


We also collect personal information automatically, for example when you browse our site or use our services. This information may include your IP address, browser type, operating system, pages you view, links you click, terms you search for or any other information relating to your activity on our site.


We use cookies and other similar technologies to collect this information. You can configure your browser to refuse or delete cookies, but this may affect how our site or services work.


Why do we collect your personal information?


We collect your personal information for the following purposes:


  • Provide you with our products or services and process your transactions;

  • Send you marketing or promotional communications, if you have consented to this;

  • Offer you a personalized experience adapted to your needs and interests;

  • Improve the quality of our site and our services;

  • Analyze the use of our site and our services;

  • Prevent and detect fraud, errors or illicit activities;

  • Comply with our legal or regulatory obligations.

How do we disclose your personal information?


We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. We only disclose your personal information with your consent or in the following cases:


  • To our service providers who help us manage our site or provide our services, for example for hosting, payment, delivery or analytics.

  • These service providers are required to protect your personal information and only use it for the purposes for which they were engaged;

  • To third parties in the context of a commercial transaction, for example a merger, acquisition or sale of assets. In this case, we will take steps to ensure that your personal information is treated confidentially and securely;

  • To third parties for study, research or statistical production purposes, if this information is made anonymous and does not allow you to be identified;

  • To competent authorities if we are required to do so by law or if it is necessary to protect our rights or those of others.

How do we protect your personal information?


We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. These measures may include technical, administrative or organizational measures. We also limit access to your personal information to those employees or collaborators who need it to perform their tasks.


In the event of a confidentiality incident involving your personal information and presenting a serious risk of harm, we will notify you immediately as well as the Commission d'access à l'information du Québec. We will also take the necessary measures to reduce the risk and prevent it from happening again.


How long do we keep your personal information?


We retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations. When your personal information is no longer necessary or relevant, we delete or anonymize it.


What are your rights over your personal information?


You have the right to request access to, rectification or deletion of your personal information that we hold. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. To exercise these rights, you can contact us using the contact details provided below.


How to contact us?


If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or the processing of your personal information, you can contact us at the following address:


218-i rue Victoria 

Knowlton J0E 1V0, QC


We will endeavor to respond to your requests as quickly as possible and in compliance with the law.


How do I modify this privacy policy?


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, without notice. We invite you to regularly consult this page to be aware of any modifications. The date of the last update is indicated at the bottom of this page.


Last updated: October 9, 2023

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